Sustainability Policy

AJM Packaging Corporation is committed to continually achieve certification to the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) (FSC-C189324) and Sustainable Forestry Initiative®* (SFI®) Chain of Custody and Controlled Wood Standards, and the SFI Certified Sourcing Standard, as well as the provisions for making product claims and for use of logos and labels associated with these programs.

The company is also committed to comply with applicable federal, state and local environmental, social, and health and safety laws and regulations, including the core labor requirements of the standards. AJM Packaging Corporation subscribes to the FSC core labor requirements. The company will strive to implement the FSC core labor requirements, giving due consideration to the rights and obligations established by national law, while seeking to meet the objectives of these requirements. The core labor requirements are:

• The organization shall not use child labor

• The organization shall avoid all forms of forced and compulsory labor

• The organization shall ensure that there is no discrimination in employment and occupation, and

• The organization shall respect freedom of association and the effective right to collective bargaining.

The company’s Sustainable Forestry Policy is to promote the principles of sustainable forestry and development. AJM Packaging Corporation strives to source forest-based raw material from sustainably managed, certified chain of custody and non-controversial sources. This includes a commitment to minimize the risk of fiber sources associated with the following unacceptable activities:

a) Illegal logging or the trade in illegal wood or forest products;

b) Violation of traditional and human rights in forestry operations;

c) Destruction of high conservation values in forestry operations;

d) Significant conversion of forests to plantations or non-forest use;

e) Introduction of genetically modified organisms in forestry operations;

f) Controversial sources as defined by SFI and by PEFC.

AJM Packaging Corporation is also committed to following the SFI Principles for sustainable forestry practices, related to:

1. Sustainable Forestry

2. Forest Productivity and Health

3. Protection of Water Resources

4. Protection of Biological Diversity

5. Aesthetics and Recreation

6. Protection of Special Sites

7. Legal Compliance

8. Research in sustainable forest management

9. Training and Education

10. Community Involvement and Social Responsibility, and Respect for Indigenous Rights

11. Transparency

12. Continual Improvement and

13. Responsible Fiber Sourcing

To help implement and achieve the Sustainable Forestry Policy, AJM Packaging Corporation has developed and adopted appropriate programs, plans and procedures to guide its fiber procurement and certification activities. AJM Packaging Corporation is also committed to annually review the effectiveness of its sustainability policy and chain of custody program as part of management review to continually improve the management system and environmental performance.

Mr. Robert A. Epstein


AJM Packaging Corporation

*SFI marks are registered marks owned by the Sustainable Forestry Initiative Inc.